
Mario Stipcevic, Ph.
Head of:
Laboratory for photonics and quantum optics
Division of experimental physics
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Phone: +385 1 4571 261 Fax:+385 1 4680 239 E-mail: Mario.Stipcevic@irb.hr
General information
Received BSc in Theoretical Physics at the Zagreb University, Zagreb, Croatia in 1991. Works an the Rudjer Boskovic Institute since 1991. The same year started collaboration in CERN's experiment NOMAD. In 1992. Went on leave from RBI to Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Annecy, France, where he works on future LHC CERN experiments RD3 and ATLAS. Receives PhD in high energy experimental physics at the Universite de Savoie, Chambery, France in 1994 and returns to the RBI where he continues his research on neutrinos and axions. Since 1999 member of OPERA neutrino oscillation collaboration.
In 2003 gains interest in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information: random numbers, quantum cryptography, quantum computing and photon detectors. Since then he lead several projects in that area, notably World Bank financed project "Quantum random bit generator" (2004-2005), Croatian Institute of Technology project "Photon detector" (2007-2010) and Ministry of Science research project "Experiments in quantum communication and quantum information" (2007-2014).
Wins Fulbright scholarship at University of California Santa Barbara for academic year 2010/11 for research on Quantum computing (host. Prof. D. Bouwmeester) and continues with sabbatical at UCSB during a.y. 2011/12 during which he works on DARPA project PICO (leader prof, J. Bowers at Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.) and cryptography (with prof. C. K. Koc at Computer Science Dept.). From 2012-2014 collaborates on a DARPA program InPho within a project for ultra-fast quantum cryptography with hyperentangled photons led by prof. D. J. Gauthier from Duke University.
Since 2014 leads Photonics and quantum optics Research unit of Center of excellence for advanced materials and sensing devices (CEMS) at RBI.
By the end pf 2017 authored 85 CC publications, 11 conference presentations, 20 other publications and 2 patents.
Research interests
Photonics, Quantum information, Quantum optics, Computer Science
Quantum Cryptography
Quantum Communication
Quantum Information Theory & Experiments
Neutrino Oscillation research
Professional experience
2005-present: Senior Research Associate, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
2010-2013: Project Scientist at University of California Santa Barbara, USA
2002-2005: Research Associate at Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
1994-2002: Senior research asistant at Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croati
1992-1994: Visiting scienstist at Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux des Physique des Particules, Annecy France
1991-1994: Research Asistant at Rudjer Boskovc Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
2016: Award of director general of RBI: "Special award for exceptional contribution to strengthening of scientific excellence and repotation of RBI"
2015: Award of director general of RBI in the category of applicatuons on competitive European calls for the H2020 FET Open project "iSEQURE"
2010-2011: Fulbright Scholarship at University of California Santa Barbara
2005: Gold medal: Geneve Salon de innovations 2005
2005: Gold medal: Zagreb fair of innovations "ARCA 2005"
2011-: American Optical Society
1996-: Croatian Physical Society
1991-: Center for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Ongoing projects and collaboration
2017-2022: Principal investigator: "Support for top-level research of Centre of excellence for advanced materials and sensing devices", Funded through European structural and investment funds (ESIF), grant No. KK.
Projects in the past
Researcher in the project: "Neutrinos and astroparticles" (2001-2006, Croatian Ministry of Science project nr. P0098011, Project leader: Dr. A. Ljubicic)
Leader of the project: "Pilot Linux cluster at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute", (2001, Financed by the Rudjer Boskovic Institute)
Leader of the project: "Research of neutrino oscillations at CERN", (1998-2002, A project for young scientists of Ministry of Science of Republic of Croatia, contract no. 098479)
Member of Editorial Board of Nature Scientific Reports, since 2017.
A referee for scientific articles for the journals: Light: Science & Applications (Nature Publishing Group), Optics Letters (OSA), Optics Express (OSA), Optics Communications (Elsevier), Journal of Modern Optics (Taylor & Francis), Journal of Lightwave Technology (IEEE), IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (IEEE), Optical Engineering (IEEE), Mod. Phys. Lett. B (World Scientific), Applied Physics Letters (AIP), Review of Scientific Instruments (AIP), Chinese Optics Letters (Zhongguo Kexue Zazhishe/Science in China Press), British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science (Sciencedomain international).