Project at the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sport

Quantum Computation: Parallelism and Visualization

Head of the project: Mladen Pavicic

References and achievements of M. Pavicic

Co-workers on the project

RESEARCH PLAN, PROCEDURES, METHODS, PRESENT STATE, CONTRIBUTION AND COMPETENCY OF RESEARCHER (Hypothesis, Research Procedures, Protocol and Plan, Purpose and Aim, Applications, Expected Results, Previous Discoveries, Previous Research, Response and Impact)

From Grid to Quantum Computer
Popular presentation of quantum computers - as a possible way of satisfying an exponentially growing number of jobs on the existing clusters and GRIDs in the World - on Croatian TV in 2008 (in Croatian).
Mladen Pavicic together with Karolj Skala (the GRID part).
Karolj Skala is the head of the program Distributed Processing and Scientific Data Visualization, at the Ministry of Science and Technology of Croatia, of which the present project is a part.

Odluka MZOS-a po kojoj MZOS nastavlja financirati projekt u 2012. i 2013. god.