Harry Paul1 and
Mladen Pavicic1,2
1Max-Planck-AG Nichtklassische Strahlung,
Humboldt University of Berlin, D-12484 Berlin, Germany.
2Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, GF, Kaciceva 26, POB-217, HR-10001 Zagreb, Croatia; mpavicic@faust.irb.hr; http://m3k.grad.hr/pavicic
Abstract. We show that with an efficiency exceeding 99% one can use a monolithic total-internal-reflection resonator in order to ascertain the presence of an object without transferring a quantum of energy to it. We also propose an experiment on the probabilistic meaning of the electric field that contains only a very few photons.
PACS numbers: 42.50, 03.65.Bz
Keywords: interaction-free experiment, monolithic total-internal-reflection resonator, MOTIRR